Re-construction of River "Oder", Brandenburg
Environmental impact assessment for conservation area

The Neuzell lowlands embankment on the River Oder was badly damaged during the exceptional flooding of 1997, and in places lacked sufficient stability. The embankment was improved and strengthened to ensure its ability to cope with the appropriate design flood, by increasing its height and widening it on the land side. In order to protect valuable biotopes while at the same time widening the floodwater drainage channel, the moving back of the embankment in stages was planned. In the course of the preliminary technical design, the environmental impact assessment was carried out.

The investigated area is situated in a conservation area which also has the status of an FFH (flora-fauna-habitat) area. In the context of the environmental impact assessment and the accompanying FFH impact assessment, local areas were examined. In accordance with the European Union’s Birds Directive and Habitats Directive, a special FFH impact assessment was carried out during the subsequent approval procedure (planning permission procedure).


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