
University of Cooperative Education

Support during master thesis

From Rostock to Hanoi


Set off for an exciting future. Take part in planning and building what connects people! 

We are an innovative company for demanding architectural and engineering solutions and we are always open to new impulses and constantly searching for creative and committed interns and working students. 

You don’t find any vacancies? A contradiction? No! On purpose!
We are curious about you, your imagination and ideas of successful cooperation as well as your passion for your profession. Write us about your considerations for your profession and the ideas you have! 

You don’t know yet where your professional journey is about to bring you? Just give yourself a try!  Our project teams are interdisciplinary and work internationally and will help you identify and further develop your strengths. 

We will also be happy to support you with your bachelor or master thesis.

Find currently available positions for internships at Vacancies. Take the opportunity and apply now: humanresources@inros-lackner.de


 “As an intern and as a student with Inros Lackner I was able to gain experience in working with CAD/GIS. The transformation of drafting software into a spatial information system was reason and motivation for me to direct my career in this pioneer direction.”   

Robert Siehr is 34 and has been tightly connected to Inros Lackner for 15 years already – for nine years in permanent employment. Today he works as a project manager for environmental engineering in the Potsdam office and is responsible for the GIS/CAD department here. As early as since an internship he has been specialising in this direction and was being supported all the time. Dr. Karla Spindler, head of the branch in Potsdam, supervised his diploma thesis: “Concept and development of a GIS for a gas pipeline“.