
University of Cooperative Education

Support during master thesis

From Rostock to Hanoi
Internship in Vietnam

Natalie Guba completed her first internship with Inros Lackner in the 7th grade, learning about architecture. Having recognised this as her career path at such an early stage, she proceeded to study architecture at the University of Wismar and returned to Inros Lackner as a student to gain work experience. Natalie sees great value in the practical work and the construction site visits she experienced during this time – things that she would otherwise not have benefitted from by studying at university. When her plan to spend time gaining work experience abroad was disrupted by the pandemic, she compensated by taking a semester off to make it possible. This enabled Natalie to gain further practical experience at Inros Lackner Vietnam’s office in Hanoi, where she supported the team in projects such as the planning and implementation of the renovation of a typical Vietnamese "tube house", the design of e-charging stations and the planning of a workshop building for a port construction project. “I am very excited to have the opportunity to work in different offices in the same company, even outside of Europe. I particularly appreciated the friendliness of the colleagues I got to work with, and the responsibility I was allowed to take on for my project work.”

Internships, student traineeships, permanent employment between bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and an opportunity to gain work experience abroad – Natalie says that she has “grown up” with Inros Lackner. The student can well imagine returning to Vietnam – for example, as part of her master’s thesis.