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Andrea Schmidt-Schwonbeck
Phone: +49 (0)381 45 67 951

Neubau S4 Hamburg - Bad Oldesloe
Contract to develop road traffic plans for the construction period

The proposed construction of the new “S4” S-Bahn line between Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein will optimise and relieve rail traffic along that route. Local, regional and long-distance trains currently use the same tracks, often hindering each other and resulting in delays and train cancellations. The project will enable the affected rail services to be modernised and adapted to meet forecasts for future rail freight and passenger traffic, with separate tracks enabling transport and travel times to be reduced.

In Hamburg, the railway lines pass through inner-city areas, with numerous roads etc. crossing the route or running parallel to it. As part of the project to upgrade the railway infrastructure, road bridges across the route will be renewed and new bridges will be built. The associated construction work will result in restrictions on road traffic, in some cases for months or even years.

The railway company DB Netz AG has appointed Inros Lackner to develop plans for maintaining road traffic flows appropriately throughout the construction period.

(Source: DB Netz AG)